HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Seminar Series: The Future of the Hong Kong Labour Market: Key Findings and Implications of the 2023 Manpower Projection

Events > HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Seminar Series: The Future of the Hong Kong Labour Market: Key Findings and Implications of the 2023 Manpower Projection
HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Seminar Series: The Future of the Hong Kong Labour Market: Key Findings and Implications of the 2023 Manpower Projection
Mr Roy Chan
Head of the Research Unit
Labour and Welfare Bureau
HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Seminar Series: The Future of the Hong Kong Labour Market: Key Findings and Implications of the 2023 Manpower Projection
Mr Allen Suen
Census and Statistics Department
(currently on secondment to the Labour and Welfare Bureau)
CEDARS Career Support Briefing Session for Graduating Students
Research Mixer Salon #5