State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Public Lecture: Alzheimer’s Disease: The Contribution of Biological Factors and the Need to Account for Differences Between Eastern and Western Populations

Events > State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Public Lecture: Alzheimer’s Disease: The Contribution of Biological Factors and the Need to Account for Differences Between Eastern and Western Populations
Professor Alfredo Ramirez
Head of the Division for Neurogenetics
and Molecular Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Cologne
Principal Investigator
Cluster of Excellence Cellular Stress Responses
in Aging-Associated Diseases
University of Cologne
Dr. Xiaochen Hu
Research Associate
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
Center for Memory Disorders, Medical Faculty,
University of Cologne

As global population diversity increases, understanding population-shared and -specific risk factors of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is vital in translating research findings into population-oriented personalised medicine to prevent and treat the disease. In this public lecture, Professor Alfredo Ramirez and Dr. Xiaochen Hu will share their research findings using structural and functional MRI, which have shown inconsistencies in the relationship between brain network alterations and AD pathology, highlighting that genetics and fluid biomarkers might also behave differently across populations.

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