HKU Social Sciences Colloquium: Organizational Work-Family Policies and Gendered Hiring Decisions

Events > HKU Social Sciences Colloquium: Organizational Work-Family Policies and Gendered Hiring Decisions
Date Date
October 10, 2024
Time Time
9:30 – 11:00am
Venue Venue
Via Zoom
David Pedulla
David Pedulla
Department of Sociology
Harvard University

Join us at the “HKU Social Sciences Colloquium: Organizational Work-Family Policies and Gendered Hiring Decisions” featuring Professor David Pedulla.

Explore the intricate relationship between supportive work-family policies and gender discrimination in hiring. Discover how the organizational context influences gendered hiring decisions and the impact of paid parental leave on reducing discrimination.

Scientific Advance Through the Creation of New Data for Population Research
Further Developing the HKU Research Hub of Population Studies