S. C. Fan Memorial Lecture 2024: How Population Growth Promotes Innovation

Events > S. C. Fan Memorial Lecture 2024: How Population Growth Promotes Innovation
Date Date
December 2, 2024
Time Time
6:00 - 7:30pm
James Liang
James Liang
Co-founder and Chairman
Trip.com Group

Discover how population growth fuels innovation in our society. In a world of declining birth rates, James Liang, Co-founder and Chairman of Trip.com Group will explore the implications of the ‘Low Fertility Era’ on our innovative capacity. Learn how a shrinking workforce can impact entrepreneurship and growth and explore solutions to overcome these challenges.

Don’t miss this insightful event that delves into the intersection of demographics, innovation, and economic development. Secure your spot now and be part of the conversation shaping our future.

HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Seminar Series: Ethnic Variations in the Determinants of Fertility Intentions in Singapore: A Survey Experiment Study
HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Workshop: Writing across Cultures: An informal sociological workshop and discussion