HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Seminar Series: The Tension between Money and Culture: Inequality, Economic Capital, Cultural Capital, and High School Students’ Educational Achievements from a Comparative Perspective

Events > HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Seminar Series: The Tension between Money and Culture: Inequality, Economic Capital, Cultural Capital, and High School Students’ Educational Achievements from a Comparative Perspective
Professor Yuxiao Wu
Professor Yuxiao Wu
Professor of Sociology
Dean, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Nanjing University

This study investigates how income inequality shapes the role of economic capital and cultural capital in students’ academic performance. By analyzing a multilevel dataset of 72 countries (economies), Professor Yuxiao Wu and his research team find that: (1) economic capital plays a more important role in promoting adolescents’ academic achievement in unequal societies than equal ones, while the effects of cultural capital decrease with the increase of inequality; (2) In societies with lower levels of inequality, cultural capital benefits more to students with lower-economic capital, or equally affect students with different economic capital; By contrast, cultural capital’s effect tends to be stronger for students with high-economic capital in more unequal societies. The findings contribute to understanding how social context shapes the processes of intergenerational reproduction from a comparative perspective

Further Developing the HKU Research Hub of Population Studies
213th Congregation - Faculty of Social Sciences