Further Developing the HKU Research Hub of Population Studies

Events > Further Developing the HKU Research Hub of Population Studies
Date Date
October 14, 2024
Time Time
10:30am – 12:00nn
Arthur Sakamoto
Professor and Chair
Department of Sociology
Hong Kong Baptist University

Population-related information is vitally important in all modern societies. Population data of various sources are continually being collected and are increasingly available along with sophisticated analytical tools. Population studies centers are thus now commonplace in all of the leading universities around the world. The HKU Research Hub of Population Studies has quickly established itself as an important research center with international recognition. Many of the basic features of an ideal research center have already been put into place. At this stage, the Research Hub primarily needs to maintain its continuity by fostering a few new appropriate enhancements. The educational and scholarly mission of a vibrant Research Hub promote not only the productivity of HKU academic staff, but also enhance reputation of HKU as well as benefit the wider Hong Kong and GBA communities.HKU cannot remain competitive as a world-class university if a superlative population studies center is not maintained.

HKU Social Sciences Colloquium: Organizational Work-Family Policies and Gendered Hiring Decisions
HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Seminar Series: The Tension between Money and Culture: Inequality, Economic Capital, Cultural Capital, and High School Students’ Educational Achievements from a Comparative Perspective