Methods Hub Seminar Series: Research Rivers: Creative Methods, Research Strategy, and Uncertainties in Times of Crisis

Events > Methods Hub Seminar Series: Research Rivers: Creative Methods, Research Strategy, and Uncertainties in Times of Crisis
Date Date
April 21, 2023
Time Time
4:00 – 5:30pm (HKT) /9:00 – 10:30am (UKT)
Venue Venue
Via Zoom
Dr Robert Meckin
Presidential Fellow
School of Social Sciences
University of Manchester

Social researchers are typically taught to build flexibility into their research designs and tend to accommodate uncertainties are generally anticipated. However, the global pandemic disrupted research in sudden, unexpected, and chronic ways.
Dr Robert Meckin, will share the sketches of their research experiences as a river from the creative workshops. The seminar will also chart the emergence of uncertainty as a significant theme in the project and how uncertainties were articulated by researchers.

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