HKU Social Sciences Colloquium: COVID-19, Hong Kong, and Americans’ Attitude Toward China

Events > HKU Social Sciences Colloquium: COVID-19, Hong Kong, and Americans’ Attitude Toward China
Date Date
January 18, 2024
Time Time
3:00 – 4:00pm
Professor Wu Xiaogang
Professor of Sociology
New York University
Director of the Center for Applied Social and Economic Research
Yufeng Global Professor of Social Science
NYU Shanghai

ince the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, Americans have had a historically low view of China. Professor Wu Xiaogang and his team conducted an experiment in which some Americans read messages about China’s response to COVID-19 relative to the United States and civil liberties in Hong Kong in order to better understand the reasons for change. In this colloquium, Professor Wu will analyze the results of the study and explain the importance of values for public opinion about international events.

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