China Fashion Power – Fashioning Power through South-South Interaction: Re-thinking Creativity, Authenticity, Cultural Mediation and Consumer Agency along China-Africa Fashion Value Chains

Events > China Fashion Power – Fashioning Power through South-South Interaction: Re-thinking Creativity, Authenticity, Cultural Mediation and Consumer Agency along China-Africa Fashion Value Chains
Date Date
February 8, 2023
Time Time
4:00 – 5:30pm (HKT) / 9:00am – 10:30am (CET)
Dr Tommy Tse
Associate Professor
Media Studies Department
University of Amsterdam

This seminar will look into Dr Tommy Tse ERC project China Fashion Power. It investigates how, in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, China’s global power is manifested, negotiated, and resisted in people’s daily life in a South-South setting using fashion as an exemplary case.

Fashion is recognised as a significant economic force globally and one of the most poignant indicators of cross-cultural exchange. By critically examining ChinaAfrica networks of fashion production, trade and consumption, this project will theorise how fashion is created, circulated, valuated, and consumed in and through Global Souths Value Chains (Guangdong-Nairobi-Maputo), dissecting complex dynamics and expressions of power.

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