Students will be visiting the Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Hong Kong to hear different stories and learn about the work of an international NGO in Hong Kong on global issues.
Ms. Carrie Pau has worked at the United Nations agency and iNGOs for over a decade. She is currently the Lead of Communications (Private Sector partnerships) at the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in Hong Kong. In her remit, she leads digital acquisition and communications, community and media engagement, and emergency appeal coordination.
Carrie will share her journey from joining the UN family with a simple click in JIJIS to confirming the path as a devoted long-term career. In this ever-changing geopolitical environment, she will also share her thoughts on how you can be part of the solution to these global issues and what it might take to make an impact. Carrie will also discuss the actual weight of bearing a sometimes-being over-romanticized UN workforce identity card.